The Syriza effect, the end of the EU and Turkish-German rivalry…

The election outcome in Greece is a rebellion against the European Union project, a challenge to the dream of establishing a German empire on the basis of the EU, and a rejection of German tutelage imposed on Athens.

Could Greece, which is bankrupt and doesn’t have a major role to play within the EU, possess such power? When the country’s economic, political and military might are taken into consideration, the answer is “of course not.”

However, this opposing stance by Greece, which sank along with other South European countries like Spain and Portugal, will pave the way for heated debates about when the EU project will be disbanded; something that is already being asked.

We will be witness to similar disassociations, reactions and breakaways in southern European countries, which are seeing the gap with central Europe widen daily, and which were struck by the economic crisis after northern Europe. The public in these countries, which have directed their rage at Brussels, will after a while feed on a discourse that terms Germany as a colonialist.


The architects of the EU project sensed this threat very effectively and therefore in the past few years have been proceeding along the lines of creating a common enemy, mobilizing the public to confront this common enemy, and trying to delay this collapse by resorting to this psychological operation. Germany is the mastermind behind this project too. Germany, which in recent times imported the narrative of the Islamic threat from U.S. neoconservatives, is trying to deflect reaction against its notion of unity, and focus it on the common enemy instead.

It is not a coincidence but rather a political calculation that German fascism is on the rise again -- with state support -- and is now targeting Islam and Muslims. The aim of the policy is not just the expulsion of refugees in Europe as is commonly believed. The core idea is to create a common enemy and put all of Europe on alert against this common enemy, and in this manner negate the shocks being experienced by the EU project.

This is because they are well aware that the reaction in Greece will manifest itself in the near future in the form of social explosions in Spain, Italy, Portugal or any other country within the EU that has been affected by the crisis. They know very well that in time every country will forsake the common umbrella and focus on its own quest and think about itself.


If you recall, in 2010 there was intense discussion about the EU breaking up. It was being mentioned that the crisis that erupted around 2006 was not just economic and would reveal itself in the shape of geopolitical dissolution, and would result in social outbursts and mass reaction to economic packages. Hypotheses were being put forward about how the map of the EU would change.

It was also being mentioned that a union, which had failed to produce any political preference other than the German strategy, would be bereft of any motivation after losing its economic attractiveness, which was its major trump card.

The EU map would look like this, according to the theses that were being put forward:

German region: Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Switzerland, Slovenia and Slovakia.

Northern region: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia and Lithuania… Germany would also be the greatest ally of these Baltic countries against the Russian threat.

Eastern Europe region: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. It was forecast that these countries might form some sort of partnership or close ties with each other.

Mediterranean countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Greek Cyprus and Malta. These countries that even back then were said to be flirting with economic bankruptcy are all currently in a state of collapse. This map does not include the United Kingdom and France in any group.

This is just one of the maps depicting a divided Europe that led to many debates. Mark my words that these debates, post Greek elections, will intensify and be debated alongside the topic of German hegemony over an EU that has lost its mojo.


Europe is actually the history of a German-European clash or rivalry. The Germans are not actually Europeans. They came from North Asia and settled in the swamps of Europe. Throughout history they have been a foreign nation for Europe. That is why they were in a rivalry with Europe, and this clash prepared the ground for them to come to prominence in philosophy and technology. The primary reason for World Wars I and II was the war between Europe and Germany. The real reason for that war is the foreignness between them.

We can see that the clash, which led to two world wars, is once again being remembered. Southern European countries, Greece in particular, are developing narratives that are opposed to German hegemony. They are aware that the EU project is a project for a German empire.


The pain of World War II has not yet been forgotten. That war was the result of a dream of German nationalism taking over all of Europe and establishing a Roman Empire. Pay attention to the fact that both the EU project and Hitler’s Roman Empire project were projects whose implementation relied not on weapons but on economics. If you look at the current EU map, you will see that it extends from the Baltic Sea to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Germany’s borders have reached the borders of the Muslim world. This is why Turkey will never be included in this project. Aware of this, Turkey has turned toward its own sphere and for quite a while now has focused on its quest to become a regional power. But right at this stage, Germany embarked on forming a joint European force opposed to Islam.

Germany’s policy toward Islam changed when the borders of the EU reached North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean, and the country, along with all its institutions, started viewing Islam as a threat. This resulted in Germany’s interfering in Turkey’s internal affairs and its support for sectarian clashes. The same Germany quickly engaged in imperialistic actions and began a quest for influence from Afghanistan to northern Iraq.


All indicators show that Turkey’s moves in recent years to open up to the region were defined by Germany as a threat. This is why direct German interference in northern Iraq, northern Syria, the Alevi issue and Turkey’s internal affairs is laden with meaning.

It would prove meaningful to question, within this framework, what is being called Kobane’s rescue from the grips of ISIL. It is then that it will become clearer who is attempting to create a map that links northern Iraq to the Mediterranean passing through northern Syria. More thought needs to be paid to both this route and the sabotage attempts against the reconciliation process.

I don’t know whether this protest vote in Greece will prove to be temporary. But it is a reality that southern European countries in particular have opened the door to serious questioning of the EU. German imperialism will always be at the heart of this questioning. Way back around 2006 we were talking about the consequences of the economic crisis not being economic but geopolitical. Now we are experiencing this.


World War I paved the way for the collapse of both empires. A century later, the two countries are headed from an alliance toward a geopolitical showdown. Germany is attempting anew to build a Roman Empire and this time is forcing Turkey to make way.

Recent developments, however, indicate the second attempt at building a Roman Empire will also end in failure. What is strange is that it was at exactly this time that Turkey, for the first time since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, had raised its head and started paying attention to its environs.

I think the Greek election result will bring about the fall of the EU and we will have to closely observe Turkish-German relations. Let us call this new situation the “Syriza Effect”…   

#Syriza Effect
#Greece elections
#Turkish-German relations
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